012-3071101, 013-9229770 info@xtremesecurity.com.my

Alarm system processes intrusion signals & trigger sirens or communicates to a monitoring service which then calls the owner or police department,when it detected windows or door opened in the premises without authorizations.

Center Monitoring Service
Intruder Prevention
Respond Team for Emergency
The alarm system functions with its sensor system upon its installation at the premises. Once the alarm sensor is triggered, the system will send out signals and sirens. The alarm system can also be linked to the police station or to the owner by notifying them about any break in or trespassing. This is an effective method to supervise any premises such as home, school, shops, etc. This feature of the alarm system helps to prevent any unauthorized person from entering into the premise.

If you want to add security to your home or your office, the alarm system is definitely a good option for you. You can invest in our Alarm System Malaysia because you can be completely assured of the security and the quality. It is also largely up to you to decide whether you want to go for the monitored or the unmonitored option, but in any case, irrespective of the kind of system that you go for, you will be surely benefitted. Once you become aware the procedure in which the system works, you will indeed be amazed. Thus, it is high time for you to invest in this device.